Tuesday, 11 April 2017

How to start effectively managing life as a Mom, Wife, Student and employee

Keeping your head above water when you are a busy mom, juggling numerous other roles can be a challenge, but IT CAN BE DONE. Here are my tips to effectively manage your situation.

Have a vision

Your first step is to envision what is it you want to achieve, what you want your life to look like, when it is at its best, remember not perfect, because you have kids and they do throw curveballs. So be realistic in your expectations, it will not be perfect but it can be good. you may dream of your house being clean..ish. Increase in the amount of study time you can possible put in per week or whatever goals you want to achieve.

Assess your situation

Take a critical look at what is it you are doing now, are some of what you are doing working for you?  can it be improved? do you have to change what you are doing? what is practical for you given your situation? do you need to cut out watching television? do you need to cut down on social media? do you need to tweak what you are doing? for instance; are you trying to do all your laundry in one day but at the end of the day clothes are all over the place and you cannot find that blouse you were supposed to wear on that certain day?  should you schedule different days to do your laundry so you can fold and put them away in order to be in a manageable state?

 Assessing where you are is important because it helps you see what needs to be fixed.


Use technology to help you see what and how other people are getting things done. There are a lot of information out there  that will help. You will find information on YouTube, you can read blogs and you can even go on Pinterest to get information on systems and routines that will help, for example, in meal preparation, laundry routines, study scheduling, cleaning routines and other things you do in every day life.


After critically thinking  and doing the research the next best thing is to put a plan in place that will fit in with your lifestyle. Ensure your plan is feasible for  your situation, take the time to plan out actions that will help you manage your time and to get more done, be less stressed and adequately perform your different roles. for instance  on Sundays you can plan what is it you will prepare for breakfast lunch and dinner for the week ahead.

Plan your actions step by step for example: Meal plan, plan when you will shop in your pantry or local supermarket for the ingredients that you plan to prepare for the week ahead.

Plan when you will season your meats and package amounts needed per serving.

Plan how you are going to carry out your cleaning routine, when and how you are going to study  and what structures you plan to put in place to ensure systems remain effective.

Communicate the plan

In order to have buy in you need to let your family know what are the goals, how it will be beneficial to them so that they can work with you for the greater good, after all happy wife happy life and happy mommy means happy babies .Let your kids know that they will have more fun times with mom if they assist, let the hubby know there will be more time for date nights.

Solicit Help from your family

You cannot do it alone, Things around the house will  get done faster if you allow others around the house to help you. They will get better at things if you allow them opportunity to do different task. If you think they are doing it to your standard show them what it takes to reach your standard. So allow all  hands on board to make life better for the family. Its always a good idea to give people task that they are good at so it would not seem so hard.

Thank You for reading .

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