Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Five ways to find time for dating partner with a busy schedule 

Having a hectic schedule makes it difficult to maintain any type of meaningful relationship. As mothers, it is especially important that we take the responsibility to ensure that our relationship is well nourished.

We often say we do not have the time to do things that will help our relationship grow and flourish, because of the kids and whatever else that is taking our time. Here are a few creative ways you can use to help find the time to make having dates possible.

  1.   Wake up earlier
Wake up before the kids and take the opportunity to enjoy a  nicely prepared breakfast while enjoying the beautiful sunrise and set the mood for a wonderful day.

   2.   Work out together

Find a time every day when you can release your stress and push each other to the limit while breaking a hot sweat .

  3. Utilize your Lunch break

If you work in the same area as your partner use your lunch break to reconnect and bond with  each other.

4. Use car time

We spend a lot of time commuting utilize that time !!

5. Before Bed

Ensure your kids have a bed time routine and make it your routine to make a date with your partner right after.

Let me know how you make time to have date nights by commenting.

Thank You for reading.